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SNV at World Water Week 2018


World Water Week 2018

26-31 August 2018
Stockholm, Sweden
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Facilitated by Dr Katharina Welle from Itad, we're sharing with you quick snapshots on reflections shared by DFID UK WASH Results Programme partners Oxfam (lead of SWIFT consortium), Plan (lead of SAWRP consortium), and SNV (implementer of SSH4A) in implementing a Payment by Results (PbR) programme.
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Selected key messages arising from the side event

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In going forward… this programme had originally started and was designed during the MDG era and now we’re looking at how we can support the achievement of the SDGs. Of course that places much more focus on strengthening national systems and ensuring that those services are really sustainable. So what we’re thinking now as DFID is how do we balance in our programming: delivering first-time access to those who don’t have it, while also strengthening the systems at national level, district, regional or local level that are really going to (achieve first-time access) ensure that those are sustained.

Dr Stephen Linley-Jones Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Advisor

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How do we get to implementation at scale?

Excerpted from keynote address of H.E. Amina J. Mohammed
Excerpted from keynote address of H.E. Amina J. Mohammed
For the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, finding our common ground is key. It is a COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY.

Consider applying these four approaches to ensure that no one is left behind in the SDG era:

ONE, listen to young people's voices: not for the future of tomorrow, but for the future of today.

TWO, strengthen and embark in new partnerships to scale up actions. Create real partnerships that will allow us to share the risks. 

THREE, develop interdisciplinary approaches that encompass water management, ecosystems and human development; and to not prioritise one over another. 

FOUR, focus on water and sanitation for all to have an impact on people’s lives. 

Excerpted from keynote address of H.E. Amina J. Mohammed
Excerpted from keynote address of H.E. Amina J. Mohammed
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Dr Josh Garn, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, University of Nevada Reno

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SNV WASH Advisor Sharon Roose interviews Mr Wahanudin, Deputy Director of the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning, BAPPENAS.

In line with the SDGs, the national government of Indonesia is now headed in the direction of strategising for a post-ODF situation and safely managed sanitation. In this audio recording, Mr Wahanudin explains how the government is ensuring that sanitation-related activities in districts mirror the national government's priorities. 

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Interview with Gerard Cheong (DFAT), Bronwyn Powell (CS WASH Fund), Gabrielle Halcrow (SNV) and Yi Wei (IDE)

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Interview with Bronwyn Powell, CS WASH Fund Knowledge Manager

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Focus our minds on TREATMENT because we want safe sanitation NOW! Do you agree with this team? How do you think the jury voted?

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Disclaimer: Statements made by teams do not necessarily reflect their personal and/or organisational positions on the topic.

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During World Water Week 2018, SNV co-convened five sessions on rural and urban sanitation, along with leading organisations in the WASH development sector. Learn more
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Tuesday 28 August | 9-10:30 AM | NL Music Hall
Tuesday 28 August | 9-10:30 AM | NL Music Hall
Ten years after the International Year of Sanitation in 2008, basic sanitation coverage in rural areas increased by 5%, open defecation practice decreased by 7%, and an additional 240 million people now use toilets. 

Catch country stories on rural sanitation progress and share with us your views on the emerging rural sanitation agenda BEYOND THE FINISH LINE.


- Situating sustainability of rural sanitation and hygiene in changing rural contexts by Guy Howard PhD, WASH Policy Team Leader, DFID

- Patterns of progress in rural sanitation and hygiene by Josh Garn PhD, Assistant Professor, UNR

- Rural sanitation programme country case studies in Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya and Tanzania presented by representatives from government, INGOs, academia and funding partners

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Tuesday 28 August | 9-10:30 AM | NL Music Hall
Tuesday 28 August | 9-10:30 AM | NL Music Hall
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Thursday 30 August | 2-3:30 PM | NL 253
Thursday 30 August | 2-3:30 PM | NL 253
In light of uncertain climate change effects, population growth and migration, reaching SDGs 6.2 and 6.3 in cities in developing countries involves making strategic choices. These decisions are bound to have significant trade-offs.

Step in the shoes of an advocate, a policy influencer, or a decision maker. Join our debate on urban sanitation investments and ensure that NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND.

- Trade-offs in urban sanitation investment choices, prompted by Danielle Pedi, Senior Programme Officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

- Perspectives on leaving no-one behind in urban settings, prompted by Maria Carreiro, WASH Sector Leader in Indonesia, SNV   

- Jury members: Freya Mills (Senior Researcher | ISF UTS); Ir. Laisa Wahanudin (Head of Sub-directorate of Sanitation, Directorate of Urban, Housing and Settlements | Ministry of National Development Planning, Indonesia); Dr Adnan al-Zoubi (Secretary General Assistant | Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan)

- Secret audience voting and verdict of the jury

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Thursday 30 August | 2-3:30 PM | NL 253
Thursday 30 August | 2-3:30 PM | NL 253
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