SNV at AfricaSan5 & FSM5
A historic leap forward: AfricaSan5 joins forces with FSM5 to #LeaveNoOneBehindMeet SNV's expert panel
Antoinette Kome
Antoinette is global sector coordinator, responsible for the development and quality assurance of SNV’s Global WASH programme.
Moderating and speaking during FSM5
Anne Mutta
Anne is multi-country manager of SNV's SSH4A Results Programme, a rural sanitation programme that increased sanitation use by more than 2.5 million people across Africa and Asia.
Speaking during AfricaSan5
Rajeev Munankami
Rajeev is multi-country programme manager of SNV's WASH SDG Programme, a five-country urban sanitation and hygiene programme. Previously, he led the implementation of city-wide sanitation in Khulna, Bangladesh.
Speaking during FSM5
Theresa Swanzy
Theresa is WASH advisor in SNV in Ghana, and member of the Voice for Change Partnership (V4CP) - a multi-country advocacy programme. She is coordinating the 'final push' to make Nandom the first-ever district to eradicate open defecation in Ghana.
Speaking during AfricaSan5
Sharon Roose
Sharon is WASH advisor in SNV in the Netherlands, and leads the WASH component within the multi-country Voice for Change Partnership (V4CP) advocacy programme.
Reporting live from Cape Town
Sam Husain
Sam is Behaviour Change Communication Advisor within SNV's urban sanitation programme in Bangladesh. With a background in development and gender studies, his BCC campaigns have a total outreach of over 2M people.
Speaking during FSM5
Transforming Sanitation in Africa #AfricaSan5
Transforming Sanitation in Africa #AfricaSan5
09:00-17:30 I AC Hotel Cape Town Water Front I Port Starboard room
Africa Rural Sanitation Sharing and Learning Workshop
SNV's Anne Mutta to co-facilitate Session 3, Equity and Inclusion/ Last Mile
Organisers: CLTS Knowledge Hub, SNV, UNICEF, WaterAid, WSSCC
TUESDAY, 19 FEB 2019
11:00-12:30 I Cape Town International Convention Centre I Meeting room 1.4
Hygiene and the SDGs: Leave No One Behind
SNV's Anne Mutta to present research on affordability (against household assets), with testimonies and input from SNV's Theresa Swanzy and Reinilde Eppinga
Organisers: SNV, Socio-Economic Rights Institute (SERI)
The 5th International Faecal Sludge Management Conference #FSM5 Cape Town International Convention Centre
The 5th International Faecal Sludge Management Conference #FSM5 Cape Town International Convention Centre
14:30-16:00 I Meeting room 2.4.1
Industry and Exhibition Track: Container Based Systems and Capacity Building
SNV's Rajeev Munankami and Sam Husain to present on BCC Strategy Implementation: A Success Story of Khulna City Corporation, Bangladesh
11:30-13:00 | Auditorium
FSM Applied Research Track: Faecal Sludge Characterization
SNV's Antoinette Kome and ISF-UTS' Juliet Willetts and Freya Mills to present on Timely Emptying, Emergency Emptying or No Emptying at All
15:00-18:30 | Auditorium
Applied Research Track: Institutional Frameworks and City-Wide Approaches
ISF-UTS' Juliet Willetts, Freya Mills and Jeremy Kohlitz, and SNV's Antoinette Kome to present on Climate Sensitive FSM; New Thinking from Vulnerability, Resilience and Risk-Hazard Approaches
FRIDAY, 22 FEB 2019
13:30-17:00 | Meeting room 1.6
The Missing Link in the Sanitation Chain: Improving the Condition of Sanitation Workers
SNV's Antoinette Kome to present on SNV OHS (occupational health and safety) data across 19 countries
Organisers: WaterAid, WHO, World Bank, ILO, SNV, Water Research Commission
Friday 22 February | 13:30-17:00 | Meeting room 1.6 The missing link in the sanitation chain Improving the conditions of sanitation workers
Friday 22 February | 13:30-17:00 | Meeting room 1.6 The missing link in the sanitation chain Improving the conditions of sanitation workers
In this workshop, we present data and insights on the situation of sanitation workers across Africa, Asia and Latin America. We will reflect on how to address occupational health and safety more systematically and effectively. And will consider the importance of reliable data, regulation and political priority, as well as workers' capacity and perceptions. We hope that participants will see the weight of the issue, setting a common agenda for the future.
Our blogs
Read our blogsUrban sanitation
Making a living should not have to cost someone’s life
Rajeev Munankami (SNV)
How Nakuru, Kenya managed to create value out of shit
Reinilde Eppinga (SNV)
Bright prospects for Zambia’s urban on-site sanitation services
Mushany Ngafise Kapusana (Lukanga Water & Sewerage Company Ltd) and Kumbulani Ndlovu (SNV)
Wooing people into signing up for desludging service
Klara Virencia and Mees van Krimpen (USSDP)
How regulation provokes co-financing
Klara Virencia and Mees van Krimpen (USSDP)
An all-encompassing movement triggers regency-wide awareness
Klara Virencia and Mees van Krimpen (USSDP)
Why faecal sludge flows unnoticed
Rajeev Munankami (SNV)
What do you mean when you say it’s ‘safely managed’?: urban sanitation in the SDG era
Juliet Willetts and Freya Mills (ISF-UTS)
Read our blogsRural sanitation
Final push to take Nandom open defecation free
Theresa Swanzy Baffoe (SNV)
Unpacking the 2.5 billion without access
Anne Mutta (SNV)
Beyond accessibility to inclusion for all
Gabrielle Halcrow (SNV)
A six-year journey to owning a private latrine: the Koskeis' story
Judy Muriu and Fanuel Nyaboro (SNV)
Rural sanitation and hygiene: beyond the finish line (The SSH4A approach)
Joshua Garn (School of Community Health Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno)