SNV at COP24
SNV at COP25: Creating opportunities with climate action
Madrid, Spain
Learn how SNV is creating opportunities in climate action.Join us at COP25!
Side-events will be broadcast live and will be available to view on demand after the event. Watch here
Programme SNV co-convened sessions
6 December I 14:30 - 16:00 | EU pavilion | Helsinki room Creating climate action through business opportunities for young people
6 December I 14:30 - 16:00 | EU pavilion | Helsinki room Creating climate action through business opportunities for young people
Moderator: Tom Derksen, Managing Director Energy and Youth, SNV
- Daniel Jesus Solana Gazquez, Senior Youth Employment Specialist, International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Joshua Amponsem, Founder, Green Africa Youth Organisation
- Kuda Dhliwayo, Founder of Vital Recycling and Multiple Award Winning social entrepreneur
6 December I 18:00 - 19:00 I NDC-Partnership pavilion Women and youth as agents of change in climate action
6 December I 18:00 - 19:00 I NDC-Partnership pavilion Women and youth as agents of change in climate action
This event will provide an introduction to how and why climate change is a gendered issue before exploring case studies and key lessons learned by SNV, UNDP and PACJA from several developing countries (Vietnam, Thailand, Kenya) on promoting the voices of women and youth in climate change response.
Moderator: Tom Derksen, Managing Director, SNV, Vietnam
- Wanun Permpibul, Director of Climate Watch, Thailand
- Tran Tu Anh, Programme Manager CSA and Gender, Vietnam
- UNDP/CCWG Vietnam representative
- NDA Vietnam (representative from MONRE)
- Charles Mwangi, Thematic Lead PACJA, Kenya
We will also be speaking at
Involving business in national adaptation
Moderator: Arwandrija Rukma, Program and Policy Director, Rare International Indonesia
Speakers :
- Ir. Medrilzam, M.Prof.Econ, Ph.D, Director of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of National Development Planning, Government of Indonesia
- Ir. Sri Tantri Arundhaty, M.Sc, Director of Climate Change Adaptation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Government of Indonesia
- Matthew Burton, Director of Environment, USAID Indonesia
- Mr. Kotaro Taniguchi, Director, Office for Climate Change, Global Environment Department, JICA
- Rizki Pandu Permana, Ph.D, Agriculture Sector Leader, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation Indonesia
Latin America’s approaches for climate-resilient food production
- Iris Barth, National Agricultural Technology Institute, Argentina
- Martin Morales, SWISSCONTACT, Bolivia
- Douglas Benavidez, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, Honduras
- Andrew Scyner, DEVCO
Learn more about the event
The importance of an integrated approach to land management in confronting climate change
- Salvador E. Nieto , Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD)
- Dina Sagastume, MTFRL and SAN
- Natalia Gonzalez, ICCO COOPERATION
- Douglas Benavidez, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
- Andrew Scyner, DEVCO
Learn more about the event
Blogs & Interviews
More on SNV for climate action
We want to deliver inclusive and climate smart solutions at scale
The green jobs challenge faced by Africa's youth
Introducing the clean cookstoves entrepreneurs of Tanzania
Climate action needs to be gender-sensitive
‘Energy access for all’ needs a shot in the arm: scalable business models for cooking solutions
A national coalition for pastoral resilience is born in Burkina Faso
Increased technical potential for African household biodigesters
Smart cooking interventions for sustainable palm sugar production
We need to talk about climate change every day
Including pastoralists’ voices in formulating climate-related policies in Kenya
Kenya's clean cooking champions